Jacob wanted to be someone else. He was jealous of what his brother had and what he was going to get. Sound familiar? In today's world we are constantly told what we should want and what we should try to be. But what about what God wants us to be? He created us as individuals with specific talents, faults, friends and connections to serve Him. Plus, he gave us a new life in His son, one fraught with benefits that enable us to make the most of the life God loaned us.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come! - 2 Corinthians 5:17
As a new creation in Jesus, YOU Are:
- A Child of God - John 1:12
- A Friend of God - John 15:15
- Forgiven - Psalm 103:2-3
- Loved - John 3:16
- NEEDED - Matthew 9:35-38
We LIVE in the harvest field. God put us there because He needs us there.