Sunday, March 4, 2007

It's Never Easy - 1 Peter 3 & 4

Everybody hurts... into every life a little rain must fall... it's never easy. No matter how people reference it, suffering is a part of every person's life. There is some suffering that we cause to ourselves, some that others cause and some that seems to be a matter of chance. While we cannot control all of the suffering that comes our way, we can control how we react to it. In 1 Peter we find numerous references to suffering and persecution, coming to a head in chapters 3 and 4. Here, Peter tells us about suffering itself and also how to handle it when it comes our way.
  • Suffer for the Right Reasons
  • Suffer in the Right Way
    • Relax - 3:14b -Do not be frightened.
    • Regroup - 3:16 - Keep a clear conscience.
    • Rejoice - 4:13 - Rejoice!
    • Recommit - 4:19 - Commit themselves to their creator.
  • Suffer in the Right Company